Overcome your phobia and panic attacks with hypnotherapy and psychotherapy

Phobias are quite simply, an external projection of an internal anxiety. A phobia is an accentuation of a fear often completely debilitating and curtailing one’s activity. The fear of being caught in the grip of a full blown panic attack is so great that the fear drives the Phobia.

Take an example of a person with a fear of flying. Their fear of flying might be so great that they have in fact, never even stepped onto a plane, let alone flown! These clients are in the grip of a fear of which they have no real experience or understanding. More likely this person has created an external projection of an internal anxiety (possibly a feeling of not feeling safe or being out of control). On the other hand, another client may present themselves with say a fear of horses and tell you clearly that it started at the age of 6, after a hefty kick from one! This makes perfect sense to the client. So why can’t they just overcome their fear?

So this is where a free 30 min consultation can be useful to chat through the best course of action to resolve anxiety and  feel  comfortable with your choice of therapy.

Generalised Anxiety Disorders/Acute Anxiety and phobias are often better treated through treatments such as CBT/ ACT and other psychological therapies. Analytical Hypnotherapy is a different approach and may reveal the unconscious content of a client’s psyche in an effort to relieve symptoms. Clinical Hypnotherapy can often be used for ‘minor’ anxieties, particularly useful where the client has an imminent event such as a driving test, flight to catch ( and a fear of flying) or Wedding Day nerves.

Some common phobias and fears: Fear of flying Fear of spiders (arachnophobia) Fear of being sick (emetophobia) Fear of defecating, toilet phobia (coprophobia) Fear of enclosed spaces (claustrophobia) Fear of dentists Fear of anaesthetic Fear of losing control Fear of being judged, embarrassed (social phobia) Shy bladder syndrome Fear of blushing or going red (social phobia) Fear of drowning Fear of death Fear of heights (acrophobia) Fear of water Fear of driving or motorways

Caroline Hamblin

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you

The first consultation is completely free, contact us to book your appointment.

Fears & Phobias