Caroline Hamblin MIAEBP (adv.acc.) provides flexible Stress Management sessions to teaching staff who may be looking for:
- support in managing workloads or help with establishing a healthy work/life balance and sense of control
- advice on the psychological impact of any current climate issues on children or adults within your school such as bullying, self harming, Generalised Anxiety Disorders or depression.
- help with understanding any ‘difficult’ behaviour
- help in understanding self awareness and self management: Sessions will consist of training in how to develop this and avoid projection in the classroom
- help in understanding how to adapt to the differences in how information is processed by the child aged 4-11 and effect positive communication
- help with regard to a child already identified with personal differences such as Aspergers/ADHD
- support on a personal level providing confidential therapy tailored to their needs from a single session onwards
- motivational coaching sessions for either professional or personal gain such as smoking cessation, weight management, healthy eating
- help in coping with ongoing pain issues or any other chronic illness such as CFS, Fibromyalgia or ME
- help to analyse, pinpoint and where possible, resolve problem areas within the working environment. Or help with resolving conflict.
- to gain a better understanding of any other psychological/practical training programme already in place via other means, often enhanced with bite sized one- off sessions
- relaxation sessions and learning how to use self hypnosis
- Grief Counselling or Trauma Debriefing