Your path to change starts here
Welcome to the website of Caroline Hamblin, offering private therapy and training programmes within both the private and corporate sector, schools and other educational establishments. All psychological therapies on offer are designed to equip people with self-awareness, in-depth knowledge of fundamental (evidence based) psychological principles and a skill set to flourish in life.
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A quick word about control
We all strive to have a degree of control over our lives. When things go wrong we often complain things are outside our control. But do we need to always be in control? Can you have too much of a good thing? The short answer is yes. The modern world …Read More »
If you suffer from depression, lack of confidence, fears, stress or anything that is generally making you unhappy or stopping you achieve personal goals, contact Caroline today and make a change.
Add real value to your business. Caroline works closely with businesses and organisations to maintain a happy, motivated workforce, focusing on the key problems employers and employees face today.
Caroline can help you perform to the best of your abilities, such as increasing confidence, and eliminating mistakes that can happen when under pressure. Hypnotherapy can give you the edge to succeed.